How To Balance The Effects Of Winter

As the days grow colder and the morning dew turns to frost, winter is upon us. Plants and animals alike withdraw to prepare for a cold harsh winter. Many plants go dormant transferring energy to their roots, while several animals choose to hibernate. The…

Liver: An Excellent Fertility Food

Liver is the king of organ meats and nature’s multivitamin! By this I mean it’s the richest in nutrients. In fact it’s the most nutrient dense food I know of and that’s exactly why it’s been prized by our primal ancestors for thousands of…

3 Common Causes For Gut Issues And Their Cures

Our gut breaks down food; absorbs nutrients; keeps pathogens out; helps detox our body of waste (like dead tissues and toxins); and plays an important role in brain, hormonal, and immune health. Needless to say, it’s extremely important! When our gut is functioning optimally…

Mainstream Sports Nutrition Vs. Ancestral Sports Nutrition

“Your 20s is the prime of your athletic career, once you hit 30 it’s all bad knees, injuries, and downhill from there!” At least that’s what the mainstream would have you believe. While this does happen often, It’s completely avoidable! Of course our bodies…

The Great Importance Of Collagen And Glycine

Collagen is the most abundant protein in our bodies, accounting for 25-35% of all our protein. (1, 2, 3) It’s found in connective tissues like joints, ligaments, and tendons; as well as bones, skin, and tough frequently used muscles. When collagen is cooked it’s…

My Health Journey

Over the course of my health journey I have tried many diets, learned to cook, overcame disordered eating habits, healed of IBS (a digestive/gut disorder), learned to maximize my nutrient intake, learned to eat for weight training (cutting fat, gaining muscle and tracking macros),…

Tips To Optimize Your Sleep Patterns

You’ve heard it before, adequate quality sleep is one of the most important things for overall health. During sleep your body repairs and regenerates itself both physically and mentally. This is crucial for: • Workout And Injury Recovery And Prevention• Memory• Honing Visual And…

What To Do If You’re Not Having Daily Bowel Movements?

First off, I want to remind you that it’s important to have a daily (or near daily) bowel movement for adequate toxin elimination! Our feces are made up of toxins, undigested food (mostly fiber), and old cells and tissues that our body no longer…

5 Possible Root Causes For Skin Problems And How To Address Them

Skin problems like acne and eczema are just a symptom. To effectively treat them, you must identify and treat the root cause. 5 Common Root Causes Are: Toxin Build Up Hormonal Imbalance Nutrient Deficiency Poor Gut Health Stress Root Cause #1 Toxin Build Up:…

7 Things You Can Do To Prepare For A Healthy Pregnancy

When preparing for pregnancy you want to make sure you are starting with healthy parents! Well nourished parents will provide a high quality egg and sperm to make the child. Beyond this the woman’s nutrient stores are critical for the babies development. The woman…