How To Balance The Effects Of Fall

We are all affected by the cycles of nature. When the winds start blowing, the days grow shorter and cooler, and fall is among us, we often feel its effects. Fall starts out warm and gets increasing cooler and drier. It’s also mobile (windy),…

Homemade Toothpaste

After posting about the dangers of fluoride and the insane amount of toxins we are exposed to on a daily bases, I got some questions about personal care products like toothpaste. After all many commercial toothpastes are filled with fluoride, chemicals, and other nasty…

My Favorite Nose To Tail Recipes

(Picture of my lunch including a beef burger, quesadillas made from corn tortillas and pepper jack, cantaloupe, fermented veggies, liver heart pate, and bone marrow) Nature knows what it’s doing! That’s why it created the perfect package of all the nutrients we need in…

7 Reasons Why I Recommend Limiting (Or Ideally Eliminating) Alcohol

1) It Negatively Impacts Your Hormones And Fertility Both acute and chronic alcohol consumption decreases testosterone. This is believed to be because alcohol impedes testosterone synthesis in the testes, hypothalamus, and anterior pituitary gland. (1, 2, 3, 4) One study showed that 2 to…

Stages, Root Causes, And Prevention Of Chronic Disease

Stages Of Disease While modern medicine is excellent in dealing with acute injuries and saves countless lives, it falls short in the treatment and prevention of chronic diseases. However a more holistic approach truly excels at this. Let’s take Ayurveda for example. Ayurveda is…

My Top Ancestral Nutrition And Health Book Recommendations

Books are one of my favorite ways to learn about nutrition and health! In fact many books have taught me more than college nutrition classes! Over the past few years I’ve read a good amount of nutrition and health books and today I want…

9 Tips For A Healthy Strong Digestion

Digestive and gut health issues have become more and more common over the last several decades. As humanity shifts further away from an ancestral lifestyle and closer to a life of high stress, high toxin exposure, and unhealthy food it’s no surprise our digestive…

Should You Get A Water Filter?

(Picture of Berkey Water Filter, Picture From Follow Your Detour) This is a question I didn’t really give much thought to until recently. It’s easy to go over to your sink, fill up your glass with tap water, and happily sip away when you…

Why Is There Such A Push To Be Vegan?

The vegan diet has been used to prey on peoples’ desire to be and to be seen as compassionate and caring. After all “if you truly love animals, care about the environment, and care about your health, you’ll go vegan,” or at least that’s…

8 Ways To Avoid Toxins In Your Food

I’ve been talking a lot about toxins lately, and today I want to focus on the toxins in foods and how to avoid them. Toxins in foods include additives, preservatives, herbicides, pesticides, micro-plastics, endocrine dysruptors (like xenoestrogens), heavy metals, chemicals from the water supply,…