Liver Detox Tea

The liver is a major component of our bodies drainage and detox system. After anything is absorbed from your gut and into your blood stream, it’s first stop is your liver. This is so the liver can act as gatekeeper, determining what will and will not be allowed into the rest of your body. It also converts toxins into waste products to be excreted.

In addition to detoxing, your liver has over 500 other functions. Needless to say it’s important that we take care of our liver. The tea I’m sharing with you today is a medicinal tea designed to help promote liver detox and liver health.

It has burdock root, dandelion root, echinacea, and cacao powder. The cacao powder is mostly for the flavor, but the other herbs have multiple properties that promote liver detox.

Burdock root and dandelion root are considered “liver movers.” They “encourages bile production (choleretics) and bile excretion (cholagogues) which improves the liver’s ability to clear waste from the blood and your body to help pull toxins from storage in fat cells so that they can be eliminated.” (1)

Burdock root, dandelion root, and echinacea are considered “alterative” which means they enhance detoxing by improving the drainage flow and detox of the blood and interstitial fluid via the liver, lymphatic system, and kidneys. (1)

I hope you enjoy this tea as much as I do!

With love from my kitchen to yours,


P.S. If you’d like to learn more about detoxing and cleansing check out my in depth guide on how to detox and cleanse your body.

Liver Detox Tea

Yields15 Servings
Total Time5 mins

 3 tbsp dried burdock root
 3 tbsp dried dandelion root
 3 tbsp dried echinacea
 1 tbsp cacao powder


Combine all ingredients in a jar and shake to mix.


Take 2 tsp of the tea mixture and put in a tea strainer. Place in a 16 oz mug with boiling water, steep for a few minutes, and enjoy!


 3 tbsp dried burdock root
 3 tbsp dried dandelion root
 3 tbsp dried echinacea
 1 tbsp cacao powder



Combine all ingredients in a jar and shake to mix.


Take 2 tsp of the tea mixture and put in a tea strainer. Place in a 16 oz mug with boiling water, steep for a few minutes, and enjoy!

Liver Detox Tea

Work Cited

1. Groves, Maria Noël. “Body Into Balance An Herbal Guide To Holistic Self-Care.” Massachusetts: Storey Publishing. 2016. Print.