Thai Duck Curry

This meal is a little more time intensive than most of my recipes, however it’s really fun to make! You get to roast a whole duck, make Thai curry paste from scratch, and with those make a delicious curry! I tried to be rather…

Homemade Yellow Thai Curry Paste

I like making as many things from scratch as I can. It’s very satisfying and it let’s me control the quality of the ingredients. Which means no vegetable oils, preservatives, and chemicals! So today I want to share one of my make it from…

Chicken Caesar Salad

Caesar salad is a classic and it’s been a favorite of my family for many years. While growing up I used to only have it as a side to other Italian dishes, over the last few years I’ve made it into a whole meal…

Steak With Sautéed Mushrooms And Onions And An Apple Salad

I love making this meal for family and friends because it’s delicious, very nutritious, pretty simple, and a little on the fancy side! The bone broth and spices really add to the flavor of the veggies which pair really nicely with the steak. And…

Bone Marrow

Part of ancestral eating is eating as much of the animal as possible, this is because different parts of the animal are rich in different nutrients which support different systems and tissues in the body. This is referred to as nose to tail eating….

Apple Cider Vinegar Drink + Health Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a vinegar made from fermented apples. It has so many uses that it’s often touted as a cure all substance. It can be used as conditioner for your hair; as a skin cleanser; or to relieve pain and irritation from…

Sparkling Limeade

Sparkling limeade has been one of my favorite summer drinks as of late. It’s been in the 90s and 100s where I live so this drink has been very refreshing. It’s very hard to find refreshing cool drinks that don’t have sugar, sweeteners, or…

Liver Detox Tea

The liver is a major component of our bodies drainage and detox system. After anything is absorbed from your gut and into your blood stream, it’s first stop is your liver. This is so the liver can act as gatekeeper, determining what will and…

Bone Broth

There is an ancestral principle called “like heals like.” Meaning eating bones gives you stronger bones, eating heart improves your heart health, eating eyes improves your eyesight, and so on. This principal holds true in modern science. Bones for example are rich in collagen,…

Salmon and Dill Omelet with Sautéed Mushrooms and Avocado

What is an Omelet? An omelet is sort of like an egg pancake except it’s folded over and has cheese, meat, and/ or veggies on the inside. In an omelets the yolks and whites are whisked together and then cooked in a circular shape…