How To Cook White Rice To Reduce Anti-nutrients

I’m generally not a fan of grains, however I think properly prepared white rice can have a beneficial place in a healthy diet. Why white rice? Because white rice has less anti-nutrients, plant toxins, and fiber than brown rice. All of which make the…

Liver Detox Tea

The liver is a major component of our bodies drainage and detox system. After anything is absorbed from your gut and into your blood stream, it’s first stop is your liver. This is so the liver can act as gatekeeper, determining what will and…

Boiled Calamari Tacos/ Tostadas

These tacos/tostadas are both delicious and nutrient dense! They have corn tortillas or a homemade tostada shell (depending on your preference), a mayo sauce with hot sauce in it, boiled calamari, avocado, pico de gallo, and lime juice. Shellfish like calamari or squid are…

Bone Broth

There is an ancestral principle called “like heals like.” Meaning eating bones gives you stronger bones, eating heart improves your heart health, eating eyes improves your eyesight, and so on. This principal holds true in modern science. Bones for example are rich in collagen,…

Salmon and Dill Omelet with Sautéed Mushrooms and Avocado

What is an Omelet? An omelet is sort of like an egg pancake except it’s folded over and has cheese, meat, and/ or veggies on the inside. In an omelets the yolks and whites are whisked together and then cooked in a circular shape…

Fish Tacos

Fish tacos make for an easy, healthy, and delicious dinner. These ones are ready in about 25 minutes. The recipe below makes 2 tacos, enough for 1 person, but you can easily multiply the recipe for the number of people you’re serving. Click on…

Chocolate Covered Peanut butter Cups/Fat Bombs

It’s a rare occasion, I’m sharing a dessert recipe. It is a healthy dessert though. I think it’s good to have healthy dessert recipes for those times when we want a little treat. So today I’m sharing one of my favorite healthier desserts. If…

Tri-tip Steak with roasted carrots and Chimichurri

This meal is simple, delicious, healthy, and it only takes about 35 minutes to make. For the steak, you can use a grill, grill pan, or regular pan. Also I recommend a tri-tip steak for this meal, but use whatever you like. The steak…

My Favorite Keto/Carnivore Breakfast

Bacon, eggs, ham or sausage, and hollandaise sauce. I can’t think of a better breakfast! This breakfast is rich in healthy fats and protein resulting in a very satiating breakfast that keeps you going far longer than any carb heavy cereal could. This meal…

Hollandaise Sauce

This classic breakfast sauce is truly under rated. It’s so delicious and one of my favorites. Although it’s traditionally served with eggs benedict, you can add it to any egg breakfast. My favorite way to have it is with bacon and fried or sunny side…